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Brittany B.

I am thoroughly impressed with Dr. Johnson and the care my sweet four month old has received. My son wasn’t achieving the appropriate milestones and I was worried; my main concern was he wasn’t able to hold his head up on his own. After getting adjusted a few times, in just a week and a half he is now already holding his head up like a champ! From the minute Dr. Johnson met my son it was clear he genuinely cared for his health and wellness.

Jessica L.

I came in when I was 31 weeks pregnant. I had lost a lot of movement in my left leg and experiencing extreme pain in my pelvis, to the point I was having trouble dressing myself, getting in and out of bed and the car. And after investigating some options, I decided to use Dr. Johnson and within three weeks I’ve gained my movement back in my left leg and my pain has almost entirely disappeared. It went away a little more every day. I’m feeling way more comfortable and mobile!

Kelsey B.

I want to share my very big thank you to Dr. Johnson, as well as the wonderful Carlie and Lauren.  They have helped our family out SO much! Our daughter, Kiyomi, spent 2 months just screaming…constantly. She wasn’t pooping, and when she would (about once every couple of weeks) it caused her so much pain. Her doctor’s office just kept telling us it was just her personality, nothing was wrong with her, and told me to just let her scream. Lauren suggested we bring her in to see Dr. Johnson, and within a month she was like a completely different baby! Now at 6 months old she is the happiest little girl ever.  She rarely cries, and poops regularly with no pain. Just the lack of screaming helped our family out so much, but then we were helped out even more…

Our 3 year old, Yoshi, never stops.  He is go, go, go, and rarely sleeps. He’ll stay up all night and the entire next day, and still only sleep 4-5 hours before starting all over again. And when he is awake, he is constantly running, yelling, obnoxious. He does not have an inside voice, no volume control at all. He got his very first adjustment, and not even 10 minutes after getting in the car, he was OUT! Our non-stop child, was fast asleep. He continues to sleep well and is also using spoken words he struggled with before.  I can’t thank Better Life enough for everything, I can’t wait until I can afford to get our other sons in as well.  I am so excited to see how chiropractic care can help with their issues! Again, thank you, for everything!

Victoria S.

I am the owner of a birth center; we do home births. We are an out of hospital situation so we have a very small team of people, with very few hands in the mix for relief. We find ourselves in positions that we may be in for hours. I’ve had 9 babies born within a few days of each other, 7 of which I was at myself with an assistant and Dr. Chad puts me back together. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without him!

Angela H.

Derek started treatment for high functioning autism with Dr. Chad about a year ago. Now when we look back on the development and improvements Derek has made in that time, it seems too good to be true.

Almost immediately after starting treatment, we noticed that Derek wanted to play with other kids on the playground at recess and join sporting teams. Previous to chiropractic treatment Derek was too fearful and insecure to try new things and often played alone. Next we noticed he was making better eye contact and having good two way conversations. Over the past year Derek graduated from his occupational therapy class and his behavior in the classroom has also dramatically improved. In fact, at his IEP meeting in February, the specialists asked what we had been doing differently because maturity alone could not account for his amazing progress from last year to present.

Giving Dr. Chad Johnson a chance is by far the best decision we have ever made in the care and treatment of our son’s autism. We have high hopes for Derek and can’t wait to see how he will continue progress.

Araya S.

I came in when I was 35 weeks and my baby was breech. My doctor wanted to schedule a C-section for 39 weeks but I really wanted to have a natural birth without any medication. There was no questioning having a breech birth. Seeing a chiropractor was my only natural option. My baby flipped after the first appointment! I am excited to go on and have my natural birth!

Casey H.

I used to have chronic migraines, about 4-6 really bad hospitalizing ones a year and weekly headaches. Since I’ve been in I haven’t had any migraines and only one minor headache in about 6 months. It’s a huge change! [Regarding sports] I am landing my jumps better, my spins are better, my alignment is better. My coach is happy! I’m not taking nearly as many medications as I used to. I used to take Advil, Tylenol, aspirin, every day. I have way more energy! I can play with my kids more!

Jana E.

When we first started it was rough. [Wrangler] wouldn’t sleep or eat, he would cry most of the day all day long. We were told about chiropractic from a friend in Tennessee, so we looked around and found Dr. Chad Johnson. It’s the best thing that has happened since this little boy has been born! He sleeps through the night he doesn’t cry unless he’s fussy or hungry, like normal baby should. He’s happier than ever! We are very blessed to have found him! I encourage anybody who has any problem that they think might need medication—Don’t!–come here because it works! He’s an awesome doctor, I recommend him!

Alan H.

My back was really tight, I was really hunched over forward and wasn’t able to do a lot of stuff that I like to do. I tried out waterskiing this year [again] and I was struggling and I thought it had to be the ski right? I had a really good session, skiing as well as I was a couple of years ago. The last couple of years I’ve been really struggling with it. My fatigue is going away. It’s given me a couple of years back on my life!


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