Since 2009, Dr. Chad Johnson has delivered high-quality chiropractic care to patients. “My goal is to help them eliminate their pain and Live a BETTER LIFE.” At BETTER LIFE Family Chiropractic & Wellness, we welcome everyone in the community, from babies and children to parents and grandparents. We emphasize a personalized approach to health care. At our practice, we have a particular focus on prenatal, pediatric, and family chiropractic care.
The Appeal of the Chiropractic Profession
Dr. Chad began seeing a Doctor of Chiropractic in his mid-20s. He experienced the painful effects of injuries he had sustained during years of playing sports. He already had an established career in fine arts. By the time he turned 30, however, he began to analyze what he wanted to accomplish in life. One day, in the middle of receiving an adjustment from his chiropractor, the doctor asked a life-changing question. It was, “Chad, why don’t you become a chiropractor?”
As he knew that his life was about to change, Dr. Chad returned to college to complete his premed studies. Before he began chiropractic college, he completed a nine-month massage program. Dr. Chad then enrolled at the University of Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon. He graduated in 2009, ready to begin a new chapter in his life.
Featured in the News
Due to his excellence in education and care in practice, Dr. Chad has been featured publicly in the news several times. In 2014, our city voted him #1 on KREM2’s Best of Spokane out of 27 community chiropractors. This is a tremendous honor, especially since it was the final year the community got to choose and vote.
In 2016, Dr. Chad was featured on CBS/KREM2. The interview focused on a patient who had conversion disorder. She experienced relief from her symptoms after starting chiropractic care at our practice.
In 2016, due to his work with kids on the spectrum, Dr. Chad was interviewed for an article in the April issue (issue #60) of Autism Parenting Magazine. In the article titled, “Amazing Ways Chiropractic Therapy Can Benefit Kids with Autism,” he shared his expertise in chiropractic care for children who have encopresis. He also talked about help for those who struggle with neurological issues. These include autism, ADHD/ADD, and sensory challenges. He discussed helping people with poor immune function and seizures as well.
In 2017, CBS/KREM2 interviewed him again for his expertise in body mechanics for a Back-to-School backpack segment.
Prenatal and Pediatric Chiropractic
In his initial months of practice, Dr. Chad specialized in disc injuries and headaches. That all changed, however, when he became a father.
He and his wife Randi planned to have the birth of their first child in their home. Even though Randi had been adjusted throughout her pregnancy, her labor was long, painful, and grueling. Her uterine contractions had come to a halt after 30 hours. Randi was rushed to the hospital. She eventually gave birth to a little girl. “That experience was so hard on my wife and baby. I determined that I’d never let that happen again!” – Dr. Chad
Shortly after this traumatic event, Dr. Chad began studying prenatal and pediatric chiropractic and committed himself to be the best. He is now a highly advanced Webster Technique practitioner. Dr. Chad has the privilege of optimizing pregnancies and managing positive birth outcomes for moms-to-be.
He also has training and experience in treating kids with ADHD and autism. Dr. Chad is also a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA).
Join us for a free event!
Learn how proper prenatal chiropractic care is essential for an optimal birth. Find out why BETTER LIFE Family Chiropractic & Wellness is our city’s prenatal headquarters. Women under chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can enjoy many benefits. Chiropractic care:
- Relieves low back pain in 94% of cases.
- Reduces labor time by 24-39%.
- Significantly decreases back labor.
- The Webster Technique can help breech babies turn.
- Can greatly reduce or eliminate nausea.
See our EVENTS page for class days and times.
Enjoying an Active Family Life
Dr. Chad and his wife have two beautiful little girls that get adjusted regularly. Randi is a business owner as well, working as an attorney at her firm, Lilac City Law. In their spare time, they enjoy working out, rock climbing, as well as cycling, boating, and swimming.
As a family, they all love to visit local farms and pick fresh fruit and vegetables to take home for dinner. Their motto: Live a BETTER LIFE!
Get Started Today!
We’d love to welcome you as a new patient. Contact us today to request an appointment. We’re open late.