Are you struggling with chronic pain? Here at our Spokane office, we use the latest chiropractic techniques to ease your discomfort and restore your peace of mind. Whether it’s persistent pelvic pain or intractable lower back pain, we offer ongoing treatment to help you regain your comfort and control. Schedule a consultation to learn more today.

Acute vs Chronic Pain
Unlike acute pain, chronic pain is long-lasting and often more severe. Episodes of acute pain can last for a couple of hours or less and can often be attributed to a sudden motion or the lifting of heavy objects. By contrast, chronic pain can last for several weeks, months, or even years. This pain is constant for the most part and requires ongoing treatment to manage.
What Causes Chronic Pain?
This type of pain is often referred to as intractable pain and can be brought on by rare conditions like complex regional pain syndrome or something more common like disc problems and arthritis. Experiencing some back pain isn’t always a cause for concern. However, if you have any of the following symptoms, it’s time to see a doctor:
- Your pain has persisted for several weeks.
- The pain is severe and doesn’t improve with rest.
- It spreads down one or both legs, especially if the pain extends below the knee.
- It causes weakness, numbness, or tingling in one or both legs.
- It is accompanied by unexplained weight loss.
How Can Chiropractic Care Help?
Diagnosing your pain is the first step in offering treatment. When you visit our office, Dr. Chad will perform a physical exam and administer tests to get to the bottom of things. Then, he will develop a treatment plan that may include methods like spinal manipulation, manual therapies, and therapeutic exercises that you can do yourself at home.
Here at BETTER LIFE Family Chiropractic & Wellness, we rely on the latest chiropractic techniques like diversified palpation and the Thompson method to ease chronic back pain. We also employ Activator Methods™ when addressing chronic pain in children and those who are sensitive.
Find Treatment for Chronic Pain in Spokane, WA
Manage your pain here at BETTER LIFE Family Chiropractic & Wellness and give your body the relief it deserves. Our treatments rely on the latest techniques to alleviate pressure on your most painful areas. Schedule your appointment by filling out the form below or giving our office a call at (509) 464-0444.