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Breech Presentation

Though rare, a breech presentation can make delivery significantly more dangerous. If you have a breech baby, taking steps to correct the issue can lead to a much safer birth. The good news is that a series of simple chiropractic adjustments can address the problem. Schedule an appointment at our Spokane office to get treated and ensure a successful birth.


Pregnant woman receiving breech presentation care

What Causes Breech Presentation?

It isn’t clear what causes breech presentation. However, there are certain factors that seem to contribute to this issue. These include:

  • Expecting multiples (twins or more) – This makes it harder for each baby to get into the right position.
  • Too much or not enough amniotic fluid.
  • An abnormally shaped uterus or one that has abnormal growths such as fibroids.
  • A placenta that covers all or part of the cervix (a condition called placenta previa).
  • A preterm baby (a gestation period of fewer than 37 weeks).
  • A birth defect that causes the baby to not turn head-down.

Can Breech Presentation Be Dangerous?

A breech presentation isn’t dangerous until it’s time to deliver the baby. During vaginal delivery, having the baby arrive feet first can cause a number of complications. These include:

  • Injuries like dislocation or broken bones in your baby’s legs or arms.
  • Umbilical cord problems like twisting or flattening. This can cause nerve or brain damage due to a lack of oxygen.
  • Death can also occur during a standard delivery.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Chiropractic care using the Webster technique can be effective in addressing breech presentation. During your visit to our office, you will be provided with a special pregnancy pillow and asked to lie down. Once you’re properly situated, Dr. Chad will bend your feet toward your buttocks to see if they meet evenly.

If a misalignment is found, Dr. Chad will use a drop table to correct the issue. He may also perform a soft tissue massage on your abdomen and on the ligaments around the uterus. These steps will create greater space in the uterus and help your baby move into the proper potion on its own.

Chiropractic Care for Breech Presentation in​ Spokane, WA

A breech presentation can pose a lot of danger and should be addressed as quickly as possible. If you have a breech baby, we can provide safe chiropractic adjustments to correct the problem. To get started, simply fill out the form below or give our office a call at (509) 464-0444.


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